Developer: Native Instruments Software Synthesis GmbH - Download - Buy: $15.00 IVAMP v.1.6.7 iVAMP enables any Behringer V-AMP owner who chooses to use OS X, a way of controlling their V-AMP through software via a MIDI connection. Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over Diyaudio. In the meantime i heard adam's digital active system (using pc based crossovers) and also ritchie's (hayward) using a behringer. My previous experience using a dcx 2496 as a crossover was a disaster, i thought it was absolutely awful and decided that digital crossovers were a non started for me, but hearing these systems convinced me that i. DCX-Remote16a lets the user of the active Behringer crossover comfortably develop set ups to manage multiway loudspeaker systems on the computer first, e.g. Choosing crossover frequencies, gain, delays. Once the set up is done on the computer it can be transfered to the Behringer crossover via USB - Serial RS -232 connection. Supported DCX2496 functions. Input A/B/C/Sum: Gain, Mute, Delay, EQ 1.9, Dynamic EQ, Sum In A/B/C. Output 1.6: Gain, Mute, Delay (long & short), EQ 1.9, Dynamic EQ, X-Over incl. X-over Link, Phase, Polarity, Limiter. Adjust Output configuration (e.g. LMH LMH). Configure In Stereo Link (e.g. A+B). Set 'Sum' signal sources. Read more: DCX.Client and DCX:Server you are able to control the Behringer DCX2496 via Wi-Fi. The DCX.Client app is avail.

Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over Page 396 Diyaudio
Hi ric, the 3 way active speaker system i was referring to is to be part of a 5.1 (6.1) speaker system as well. my first idea was that i wanted to have a very flexible crossover setup, to be able to easy experiment with crossover frequencies, filter parameters and types etc. and use the so determined setup parameters in an analog crossover filter setup. Diyaudio behringer dcx2496 digital x over. the ultradrive pro dcx2496 is the ultimate digital loudspeaker management system with an unheard of audio quality and feature list. it is an indispensable tool for the precise set up of multiple loudspeaker systems or arrays. 3. transfer: you may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense or. I have a pair of dcx2496 and i want to run them from my deq2496. but i cannot figure from the manual how to get the digital output from the deq into both the dcx's. i connected the deq output into input a of one dcx and hooked the 2 dcx's together with a network cable. Behringer dcx2496 crossover the behringer ultradrive pro dcx2496 is the ultimate digital loudspeaker management system with an unheard of audio quality and feature list. it is an indispensable tool for the precise set up of multiple loudspeaker systems or arrays. S pdif over bnc or rca is “commercial” whereas aes ebu over xlr is “professio behringer dcx2496 digital x over page 438 diyaudio home > forums > source & line > digital line level.
Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over Diyaudio
I could fly over 5 6 i2s wires or i2s micro coaxials and have a board or stack of boards or bank of boards that does single ended dacs out? i have some of these on hand: 24bit 192khz es9023 dac, i2s input, ultra low noise regulator diyinhk 50mm x 50mm that site has all sorts of boards that might fit. i have completed curryman boards too. 3. transfer: you may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense or provide commercial hosting services with the software. you may, however, make a one time permanent transfer of all of your license rights to the software to another end user in connection with the transfer of ownership of your product, provided that: (i) the transfer must include your product and all of the software. The ultradrive pro dcx2496 is the ultimate digital loudspeaker management system with an unheard of audio quality and feature list. it is an indispensable tool for the precise set up of multiple loudspeaker systems or arrays. In the meantime i heard adam's digital active system (using pc based crossovers) and also ritchie's (hayward) using a behringer. my previous experience using a dcx 2496 as a crossover was a disaster, i thought it was absolutely awful and decided that digital crossovers were a non started for me, but hearing these systems convinced me that i. Dcx2496 active output mod & 6 channel vol control this is an extensive project, complete replacing the dcx2496 i o board which sits at the back of the case and hold all input and output connectors.
Diyaudio Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over
Thank you very much for expressing your confidence in behringer products by purchasing the ultradrive pro dcx2496—our high quality digital loudspeaker management system designed specifically for both live and studio applications. Behringer pro dcx2496 features: 3 analog inputs (one suitable as digital stereo aes ebu input) and 6 analog outputs for maximum flexibility; 24 bit 96khz a d and d a converters for ultimate signal integrity and wide dynamic range (113db) integrated sample rate converter for easy connection of external digital signals. The standard dcx2496. the good: the dcx is a highly flexible digital crossover for loudspeaker builders or live sound systems. it can accept stereo analog or digital inputs and split the signal for tweeter, mid and woofer (or other configurations), sending the signals to 6 analog outputs. Okay, so i recently bought a behringer dcx2496 second hand. at first, it seemed to work fine, although i have yet to hook up any equipment to it. but after attempting to do a 'factory reset' by pressing both page buttons whilst powering the device on, it now doesn't work at all. when powering it. If you want to overwrite an existing preset, then confi rm your command with the behringer ultradrive pro dcx2496 has standard electronically balanced ok. the display will prompt you to confi rm once again. press ok to confi rm, inputs and outputs.
Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over Page 429 Diyaudio
The ultradrive pro dcx2496 is the ultimate digital loudspeaker management system with an unheard of audio quality and feature list. it is an indispensable tool for the precise set up of multiple loudspeaker systems or arrays. i have been recently prototyping a wifi remote controller for the behringer ultradrive dcx2496. the original pc. The digital units have several advantages over analog, including the ability to time align, different crossover slopes and types, and eqs on each output. the analog units are usually cheaper and easier to adjust, with knobs for adjustments. many folks here use the behringer digital processor with good results, available for under $300. Behringer dcx2496 ultradrive pro digital 24 bit 96 khz loudspeaker management system & crossover the ultradrive pro dcx2496 is an indispensable tool for the precise set up of multiple loudspeaker systems or arrays. (19) the 9 pin rs 232 interface allows you to connect your dcx2496 to a computer. this enables you to save and load fi les, update the dcx2496 operating software, or remotely control one or several ultradrive pro units from a pc. free editor software can be downloaded at behringer . There are a total of 3 timing devices used in the dcx2496. they are all on the dsp board, as shown in the photo below. this photo is of an unmodified new style dcx2496. the older dcx2496 is the same, and the dcx2496le does not have the 12mhz crystal. the three devices are described below.
Behringer Dcx2496 Digital X Over Page 370 Diyaudio
View and download behringer ultradrive pro dcx2496 quick start manual online. ultra high precision digital 24 bit 96 khz loudspeaker management system. ultradrive pro dcx2496 music equipment pdf manual download. Behringer dcx2496 ultra drive pro x over fig. 7 dcx2496 digital in recklocked super zoom fig. 8 dcx2496 digital in recklocked zoom fig. 9 dcx2496 digital in recklocked for comparison, a measurement of the onyx' plain analog loop is shown in fig. 10 through fig. 12. as can be seen easily, less peaks can be observed compared to the dcx in. View and download behringer ultradrive pro dcx2496 user manual online. ultra high precision digital 24 bit 96 khz loudspeaker management system. ultradrive pro dcx2496 music equipment pdf manual download. Make offer behringer super x pro cx3400 v2 stereo 2 way 3 way mono 4 way crossover behringer dcx2496 ultradrive pro digital crossover system proaudiostar $319.99. I am leaning towards a dbx product. i'm not totally opposed to the dcx2496, but i'm willing to spend a little money to upgrade from a behringer product to something a little better. going to build 3 way speakers and want an active crossover.
Ultradrive Pro Dcx2496 Digital 24 Bit 96 Khz Loudspeaker Management System
Behringer dcx2496 digital 24 bit 96 khz loudspeaker management warranty 5 out of 5 stars (17) 17 product ratings behringer dcx2496 digital 24 bit 96 khz loudspeaker management warranty.
Related image with behringer dcx2496 digital x over diyaudio
Related image with behringer dcx2496 digital x over diyaudio
The DCX2496 electronic crossover has become quite popular in the DIY world and people started using it also in HI-FI setups due to its versatility. However like many Pro gear it has some weaknesses that should be addressed in order to get out a better sound quality from it. The worst components used in Behringer equipment are the electrolytic capacitors (followed by OP-AMPs); in addition to the DCX2496 I own also a SRC2496 a DSP2024 and an EP2000 power amplifier and all of them use caps named XUNDA … which I never heard of till the day I opened a Behringer unit .
Because one of the most important part of a HI-FI unit is the power supply I started making some changes in that of the DCX, which is also a switch-mode unit with all its pros and cons, with the second consisting typically in the residual of the switching frequency.
The unit, also used in the DEQ2406 and probably others, provide the following voltages:
- +3.3V for many digital components, but not for the ADCs and the DACs
- +5V which its main task it to supply the CS8420; this voltage is very important because Behringer decided to provide a unique supply for both the digital and the analog part of the receiver, accurately following the CS8420 specs for this approach… and the analog supply of the CS8420 has a direct relation to jitter when using the Digital input of the unit. this leg is also used as an input for the circuitry which creates the 3.3V for the digital supply of the ADCs and DACs.
- +8.7V which is used as a source for a couple of 7815 to crate the +5V for all the analog parts of the ADCs and DACs, and this plays an important role in the analog performance of the whole unit. One of the +5Va legs is used also as a reference voltage to create the 3.3V for the digital supply of the ADCs and DACs through a transistor.

Here is the schema of the supply components just after the power connector on the DSP board (Fig. 1)
The +3.3VA despite the name is used to to supply the VD pins of the ADCs and DACs
Starting from this schema (Fig. 2)

I replaced all the electrolytic capacitors with Panasonic FM:
- the +3.3V line now has a 2220uF (C13) before L2 and a 1200uF after (C11)
- the +9V line has C3 replaced with 2200uF
- the +-15V line has 820uF for C4 and C5 and 47uF for C1 and C2
Here is a snapshot of the replacement (Fig. 3)
Then I took some photo of the supply voltages at 10mV per vertical division, with the first run at 5mS horizontal division and the second at 10uS horizontal division
3.3V – 10mV/Div – 5ms (Fig. 4)
5V – 10mV/Div – 5ms (Fig. 5)
8.7V – 10mV/Div – 5ms (Fig. 6)
15V – 10mV/Div – 5ms (Fig. 7)
3.3V – 10mV/Div – 10uS (Fig. 8)
5V – 10mV/Div – 10uS (Fig. 9)
8.7V – 10mV/Div – 10uS (Fig. 10)
Behringer Dcx2496 Manual
+-15V – 10mV/Div – 10uS (Fig. 11)
The 3.3, 5 and 8.7 have a ripple of about 15mV peak to peak, but it is not clear to me where the 200Hz frequency (5ms period = 200Hz) comes from … The +-15V seems very clear with few mV ripple (Fig. 7 ), but with a strange “shadow” surrounding it; this comes clear at 10uS resolution, where we can really see over imposed spikes with 8uS period, which translates into 125KHz frequency.
The +-15V is the worst, with more than 30mV spikes over the fundamental, and the 8.7V showing a little more than 20mV of the same spikes. The 3.3V and the 5V remain within 10mV; it is a good result considering that the 5V goes directly to the VA pin of the CS8420 and has a direct impact on jitter.
I didn’t take any photo, but I can confirm that the scope traces with the stock capacitors were remarkably worse than the above, in both the 5ms and 10uS scope resolution; the immediate result of this mod has been a reduction in the annoying hiss You can clearly ear when the DCX is connected to the amps. In addition to this for sure also the complete recap of the DSP board with OS-CONs around the ADCs, DACs, and CS8240 played an important role.
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
The OS-CONs near the DACs are for VREF and VCOM while those near the ADCs are for VREF; on the bottom side of the board there are Panasonic 10uF directly soldered on the 100nF bypass for VD and VA of the DACs and ADCs, and on the 100nF which bypass the two VCOM( of each ADC.
As You can see in Fig. 12 there are also two resistors and a capacitor in place, and create a RC filter on the 8.7V line, an action I took after having thought to a way to improve that supply, which has probably the most direct impact on the whole analog performance of the unit (together with the OP-APMs); it is the most simple to implement and provide very good results.
2Ohm + 1800uF cause a reduction from 8.7V to 8.2 and provide the below scope traces, which are a big step forward compared to Fig. 6 and Fig. 10.
8.2V – 10mV/Div – 5mS
8.2V – 10mV/Div – 10uS

With all this changes the output trace still show the 8us period spikes, which are for sure a direct result of the bad appearance of the +-15V line.
Output – 10mV/div – 10uS
Behringer Deq2496 Firmware
My next step will be try to optimize the +-15V line and then make a comparison with the Awdiy “Power Supply” module… Stay tuned!