This is a tutorial on how to use cheat engine to obtain legendary and pearlescent weapons easily, if you have any issues with this tutorial feel free to ask. The values for that cheat engine table are the drop rates of each item quality from white, green, blue, purple and orange. You can modify those variables and guarantee what kind of loot you get from lockers, stronger monster drops, chests, etc. Just a quick question and im hoping one of you will have a solution for me. I start my borderlands 2 play around on it, start cheat engine and load my tables. Everything runs just fine until i quit the game and enter again (legendary farming) when i try to enter the game again it freezes and crashes. Any way to fix this?
Here's my cheat table for Borderlands 2. Do with it what you will, it's the same as my trainer for an evil company that starts with we and ends with mod.Options

No Reload

Player Script
- Unlimited Health

- One Hit Kills
Money & Eridium Script
-Unlimited Money
-Add Eridium
-Add Skill Points
Add Golden Keys
Add Badass Tokens

Super Jump
Rapid Fire
For golden keys and badass tokens, keep switching between different tabs in inventory/skill points to see it take effect.
Might have to do the same for Eridium and money. Can't remember
Borderlands 2 Pc Cheat Engine
Don't copy this CT elsewhere without linking to this thread.

Borderlands 1 Cheat Engine Table
Cheers!How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1