Kerio discontinued its Personal Firewall in late 2005, which was then acquired by Sunbelt Software. Starting in 2010, Kerio MailServer was renamed to Kerio Connect and Kerio WinRoute to Kerio Control. Kerio introduced Kerio Operator, an IP PBX system, in 2011 and Samepage, a file sharing and collaboration software, in 2013. Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6.7.1 یک فایروال یا دیوار آتیشین است که هنگام اتصال به شبکه از ورود ویروس و اسپم و سایر موارد مضر دیگر به کامپیوتر شما جلوگیری می کند. جالب است بدانید در این برنامه قابلیتهای ۶ آنتی.
Kerio Control is an award-winning UTM firewall designed to protect businesses from a comprehensive range of invasive and crippling corporate network threats » - 244 MB - Windows 7/8/10 - Trial, $149. Kerio Winroute Firewall 7.1.2 Crack. Download - Update. Free trial version below to get started. Double- click the downloaded file. Select a product - select a product - Kerio API Libraries Kerio Connect Kerio Control Kerio MailServer Kerio Operator Kerio WebStar Kerio WinRoute Firewall Kerio Workspace WinRoute Lite Winroute Pro.
Pada tulisan kali ini saya akan men-share Kerio Winroute Firewall.
Unique technology Kerio WinRoute Firewall sets new standards in corporate IT security, transparency, ease of installation, configuration and operation of firewalls for full control access to the Internet. Designed for corporate networks, Kerio WinRoute Firewall allows you to create an effective protection against external attacks and viruses and block access to Web sites of questionable content
Kerio WinRoute Firewall sets new standards in versatility, security and user access control. Designed for corporate networks, it defends against external attacks and viruses and can restrict access to websites based on their content.
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Deep inspection firewall
Kerio WinRoute Firewall, certified by ICSA Labs in the Corporate Firewall category, includes detailed rule definition to perform stateful inspection and protocol inspection of all outgoing and incoming Internet traffic. A network rules wizard assists in the rapid setup of the firewall.
Kerio’s built-in SSL-based VPN server works in both client-to-server and server-to-server modes, allowing both branch offices and remote workers to securely connect to the corporate LAN. Clientless SSL VPN allows remote users to connect securely to the corporate network for file sharing from any computer with a browser and Internet connection.
Antivirus gateway protection
Kerio WinRoute Firewall provides optional virus scanning of inbound and outbound email, web traffic, and FTP transfers. In addition to a version with integrated McAfee Anti-Virus, there are several other anti-virus options to choose from.
Surf protection
The integrated IBM Orange Web Filter option blocks users from accessing to up to 58 categories of web content, reducing legal liabilities for corporate and educational environments.
Content filtering
Kerio WinRoute Firewall offers a variety of content security features such as MP3 music download blocking, filtering for potentially dangerous executable files or blocking of annoying pop-up windows. The P2P Eliminator automatically detects and blocks peer-to-peer networks such as Kazaa.
User-specific access management
Each user in the network can be required to log in to Kerio WinRoute Firewall before connecting to the Internet. That allows for restrictive security and access policies to be applied based on the specific user, rather than the IP address. Transparent Active Directory support simplifies user account mapping to Windows domains, and an auto-add feature allows for creation of user-specific policies before users authenticate.
Fast Internet sharing
Support for DSL, cable modems, ISDN, satellite, dial-up or wireless Internet allows administrators to deploy Kerio WinRoute Firewall in networks of all sizes and in all locations. Users can share one Internet connection with fail-over to a backup connection. Administrators can use the Bandwidth Limiter to optimise the data throughput for business critical applications.
VoIP and UPnP support
Kerio WinRoute Firewall allows H.323 and SIP protocols to connect through it, eliminating the need to publicly expose the VoIP infrastructure to the Internet. Also, it integrates UPnP technology so that compliant applications such as MSN Messenger run instantly without requiring additional configuration at the firewall.
Internet monitoring
Web-based reporting of Internet usage to help employers and administrators spot problems, manage employee productivity and prevent liabilities.

Fully featured firewall
Certified by ICSA Labs test centers in the category “Corporate firewalls”, Kerio WinRoute Firewall allows you to create flexible rules for full control of all incoming and outgoing Internet traffic. A network rules wizard assists in the rapid setup of the firewall, and system monitoring Bandwidth Limiter optimizes the bandwidth Internet channel.
VPN, VPN-client and SSL VPN
Built-in VPN-server based on SSL technology works in both client-server and server-server, providing a secure connection to the network both for affiliates and for mobile users. A new web service Clientless SSL VPN allows you to securely connect to corporate network resources from any remote computer using any web browser and Internet connection.
Centralized Virus Protection
At your request, Kerio WinRoute Firewall can be equipped with integrated McAfee Antivitus for integrated virus scanning of incoming and outgoing e-mail, Web traffic and FTP-data. In addition, the product provides a range of additional features to protect against malicious programs.
Controlling access to Web sites
The integrated IBM Orange Web Filter blocking user access to almost 60 different categories of Web sites of questionable or undesirable content, which allows you to keep staff productivity, reduce unproductive Web traffic and to protect the reputation of the company.
Content Filtering
Kerio WinRoute Firewall provides a number of useful functions for monitoring the content of network traffic: filter files by a given format (eg MP3), potentially dangerous executable files, blocking pop-ups. The P2P Eliminator automatically detects and blocks peering networks such as KaZaA and eMule.
Flexible configuration policy
Each user before connecting to the Internet may be required to log in to Kerio WinRoute Firewall. This feature allows you to create flexible individual security policy and access control for each employee, instead of using more crude approach based on IP-addresses. Full support for Active Directory directory service simplifies the process of synchronization of user accounts.
Internet sharing
Supports DSL, ISDN, cable, satellite, wireless and Dial-Up-compounds makes it possible to deploy Kerio WinRoute Firewall in networks of all sizes and topologies. Your employees can share one Internet connection with the function of dynamic routing to the backup channel.
VoIP and UPnP
Kerio WinRoute Firewall supports H.323 and SIP, which provides additional protection for the corporate IT infrastructure using VoIP. The product also supports UPnP, so that compliant applications (for example, MSN Messenger) to work without reconfiguring the firewall.
Convenient management
Administration Console Kerio WinRoute Firewall can be installed anywhere in the corporate network. The system shall promptly inform the system administrator on every major network event via e-mail. Visual statistical reports to help detect problem areas Internet connections and identify abuse by staff.
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